Winter Activities for Dogs
Winter is right around the corner, but that doesn’t mean your dog should be sitting around lazily while you wait for warmer weather! Fortunately, there are plenty of great winter activities for dogs to help keep them healthy and happy throughout the season.
For one thing, remember that just because the weather is a little bit chillier, doesn’t mean that you have to stop your regular activities you do outside with your dog. This includes playing fetch, ideally with a more brightly colored ball or Frisbee to make it easier to see. This also includes going for a walk or run. Just be sure to bundle up, and your dog should be in the chilly weather, especially for short stretches of time.
If it snows where you live, going for a snowshoe hike can be a fun way to get outside and experience the outdoors while also giving your dog some exercise! It is a great way to get out and explore, and it will be just as fun for you as it will be for your dog. Do your best to experience a new outdoor winter activity this season, and see how fun it can be!
When you are indoors, you should work extra hard to make sure your dog is moving around, especially if you are spending less time outside than normal. This could include something like playing hide and seek; hiding your dog’s favorite toy and making them look for it. It will not only help him learn a new command, but it will get him up and moving around the house!
If you have stairs, running up and down them with your dog could be a great way for you and them to get exercise. Ideally suited for dogs without joint problems, this can get the heart pumping a little bit, helping them get in a little better exercise than they would normally get indoors, and it also gets you up and moving in a healthy way!
Of course, if you want your dog to remain active throughout the winter, it’s more important than ever to get their pet vaccinations done and be sure they are up to date. One affordable way to get this done is with The Shot Spot, a mobile vet in Dallas. With more time indoors, your dog may be more susceptible to catching something, and if they are not healthy, they will find it even harder to be active!
The cold weather of winter can provide more challenges for you and your dog to remain active, but it’s important to stay on top of regular movement, and be sure that you both are staying plenty active through the season. Above all, don’t be afraid to bundle up a little extra and get out there! It’s great for both you and your dog, and helps you both stay in shape throughout winter.